
A New Easy Route To Bespoke Shirts & Blouses

A New Easy Route To Bespoke Shirts & Blouses

We're delighted to be able to offer a new product to our clients - a quick, easy and cost effective way to bespoke shirts and blouses for your staff uniform. We call it Add 2 Hybrid - a great new system of adding a specific colour trim to a selection of our stock...

Design a bespoke dress for your uniform

Design a bespoke dress for your uniform

If you could wear the perfect dress for work what would it look like? Would it be "The one?" You know, that one dress, your favourite dress, the one you feel comfortable in, the one you know everyone at work would love too because it looks great on anyone....

Bespoke Suiting tailor made for you

Bespoke Suiting tailor made for you

Love extraordinary suiting? How often have you thought how you'd love to be able to have options over the design of your suiting? Not many uniform suppliers can offer this service, but we can! Staff Style has manufacturing links right here in the UK that offer a fully...

What would you change about your current uniform?

What would you change about your current uniform?

How do you feel in your current staff uniform? Do you go each day, working hard, being the best that you can be at your job in comfort and style? Or, do you have something that niggles away at you all day that you wish you could change? Is the fabric uncomfortable?...